Forgot to put whirlfloc during the boil!!


I just finished my first AG brew today.  But during the process I forgot to put my clarifying agent into the boil.  I have a whirlfloc tablet on hand but I spaced out.  Does anyone have any advice?  I was thinking about putting gelatin later on.  Do you think gelatin would be ok in my situation?  Thanks for any help!


I just drink hazy beer. All the cool kids are doing it these days.

I’ve brewed without Whirlfloc/Irish moss several times and found no discernable difference in the end product. Either way, I use gelatin when I want brilliantly clear beer.

done it before, it will really be fine as people said.

i think the best part about whirfloc is minimizing sediment in the carboy. giving you a bit more beer in the end

Whirfloc is one of those things whose real benefits may not actually help your beer but we use it anyway because it can’t hurt. Your beer will clear given enough time with or without it.

Whirlfloc is optional.  Don’t sweat it.

About once a month we get this question. I almost never use WF or IM any longer.

Anyway, that’s why I created the following post.  :wink:

its been a long time since i forgot a half a whirfloc addition or left one out, but i believe that i found that each time i did i ended up with more trub making it into the carboy on my usual racking from kettle procedure. this results in less beer as youve got to leave out the trub. and also clarity. sure you could have a highly flocculent yeast and wait a long time and have a very clear beer without, but yeah. more consistent and faster clarity with a whirfloc imho.

If you get a good hot break in the boil it shouldn;t be an issue. But, yes, side by side in hydrometer flasks I have seen that the WF wort drops clearer than the not WF wort (I did a side by side comparison years ago. But not noticeable in the final product.

I recon if you don’t get a good hot break it is more important. Possibly for extract beers.

Regardless, many brewer’s panic when they forget and think it is a “necessary ingredient” … when it’s not.