Freezing fresh hops

Over the past three months I’ve bought three lbs. of different whole hops form YVH.  After using what I need, I vacuum “seal-a-meal” them and store them in the fridge.  Can I store them in the freezer?

All of mine are in the freezer.

Vacuum sealed and in the freezer is the best way I know. Oxygen, temperature, and to some extent light, are what will degrade the hops and this minimizes all of those.


DONE!  My hops are gonna get very coooold.  :o

Title said “fresh” hops.  I dry mine first.  :stuck_out_tongue:
Then I weigh them into 1 oz portions then vacuum seal those in foodsaver bags taht go into the freezer.

Noticed that too, but in the body he mentions he is concerned with an order from YVH. I began a “don’t do it” response and had to change it.

Yeah, I assume they are dried or somewhat dried.  There sure is a lot of hops in a pound.