French Saison yeast quirky?

Hello all, does anyone know if the Wyeast French Saison yeast is quirky like the DuPont strain?  I pitched it yesterday into a 1.055 wort, and it had a steady Krausen for about 10 hours, and then all of the bubbles became big and transparent (like soap bubbles), and now (about 35 hours after pitching), the krausen is gone.  I haven’t checked the gravity, I’m trying to relax, but I was wondering if this is typical of this yeast.

It is usually a very reliable workhorse yeast, especially compared to the DuPont strain. Its possible with that low of a starting gravity that you’ve already completed the majority of your attenuation.

As was said above, its a total work horse. Finishes very dry with out nary a hitch.

The only way to know for sure is to check the gravity.  I used the same strain a couple of months back and it took at 1.064 saison down to 1.002 in about 2 weeks.  As the others have said, it is a workhorse!

It is a bit quirky in that it likes to wear a beret, grow a pencil thin moustache and smoke Gauloise cigarettes…other than, no…:wink:

mmm gauloise. Back in my smoking days those were a fav. stank to high heaven though

French Saison is a trooper.

That’s good news, the big bubbles are gone now and it is actually still truckin’ along.  Way to call it guys!

I brewed a Sasion using the 3711 yeast on the 11th and as of 2 days ago it was down to 1.010 and still showing signs of fermentation. I would expect this one to hit 1.005 or lower.

I had this one go down to 1.002 from 1.054.  The one thing I don’t care for is the slippery mouthfeel as mentioned in the specs for this yeast, but it does ferment like crazy.

I had mine finish at 1.005. I tried the hydrometer sample and was surprised at the mouth feel. I think a yeast like this needs a “slippery” mouth feel in order for it to not seem like it’s 1.005 or lower. I’ll keg it up soon and we’ll see how it tastes after a few weeks in there.

I don’t think the mouthfeel issue is nearly as noticable if you push the beer up to the carbonation that is appropriate for style (effervescent).

Agree with all the above.  French Saison does a great job and quickly.  done in a week and a half or less.  I can’t tell the difference from the Belgian Saison yeast (though others sometimes say they can–YMMV).  I just don’t care for the Belgian saison yeast (dupont) fussiness and tendency to get stuck around 1.035 or whatever, and taking 3 + weeks to get done.  Ain’t got the time for that.

Mine was pitched Yesterday and is pootin along nicely.
In case you missed the pic here tiz again…

And I checked the gravity today and it was a whopping 1.006. Dry and complete…
Not at all floculated out but I have plenty of time.  Hyd. Tube contents tasted fine.
Sorry a little bit out of focus…

I am gonna brew a lighter gravity beer tomorrow and put it on the yeast cake
It will be like a patersbier I hope.

So far this is my favorite Saison Yeast…

I’ve had my saison I made with 3711 in the keg for alomst 2 weeks and there’s not much clearing going on. I believe this yeast is a low floc-er.

Couple years ago I found a kit for a black french saison, I thought it looked interesting so I got it and brewed it. It used 3711 and also, which was very new, at least to me at the time, NZ Cascade hops in it. Well… I ended up giving it to a buddy who thought it was awesome. I just didnt like it. Nothing wrong with it, just didnt like the way it tasted… I’ve never used 3711 again. But something I just figured out earlier this week… I’ve been doing test smashs with NZ hops and finally got around to drinking the NZ cascade. I now know what I didnt like about it… the mix of that hop with the characters of that yeast just didn’t blend well in my opinion. So it was pretty cool to figure out a combo I don’t like… I may actually give that yeast a try again… with just a ‘regular’ saison recipe and ‘traditional’ hops…

So much for my Lighter Beer…I missed the numbers
because I just did not want to mash that small of a grain quantity…
I added a handfull of this, and a hand full of that …and some
extra odds n ends of grain that needed to be used…
The gravity went to 1.071 and I cooled it and pitched it on the
Yeast cake hit it with lots of med grade Oxygen and it took off fermenting
before I got the brewery cleaning finished.  I left it in the warmish
garage thinking saison can stand the warmer temp …it was cooled into
the 60’s mind you…when I found it next morning it had ramped up
and was really fermenting hard. The temp may have been in the 80’s
I did not measure it, but it had some internal heat going on…I am thinking
this beer may be a headache beer…(I still don’t know). So I moved it into the front
of the swamp cooler.  Three days later it has stopped fermenting and the was 1.011…I am thinking this is scarey…The Hyd tube was so yeasty
Highly turbid! I poured it into a glass  and then set the glass into the refer to crash
cool…that evening I tried the beer and well It made beer, gonna need a lotta time
to condition but maybe ok…

Three days to chew thru that much sugar…WOW what a workhorse.

Today, I see it out gassing some so I will give it another week to clean up itself

I Brewed a Rye Saison at 1.074.  It fermented down to 1.006.

Do you need to push the temp up on this one, like the DuPont strain?