Fresh Spearmint?

Probably a long shot here, but does anyone know where to find fresh spearmint in the winter?  Likely looking for an online source as I have checked the local grocery stores, Whole Foods, and organic stores with no luck.  Just started growing my own in a pot a couple of weeks ago, but may not produce the desired amount I am looking for based on my brewing timeline.  Looking to use about 1-2oz added to the beer after primary fermentation.  My google searches have so far turned up nothing.  I would prefer to use “fresh” as opposed to the “dry” spearmint.  But, want to exhaust all possible resources before I commit to the dry spearmint.  Must be spearmint, not looking for other “mint” species. Obviously, not the ideal time of year to plan this…

Brian Hoesing

You might poke around on craigslist or a local gardening forum and see if anybody is willing to spare you some leaves. If they are container growing mint indoors it may keep producing leaves through the winter and offer you some foliage.

I have a chocolate mint plant I grow indoors and it’s plugging along. I’d offer to send you some leaves but it got a fungal infection this year and I had to chop it down to the roots so it’s barely producing foliage. I still haven’t figured out anything to do with this mint plant except eat the leaves. I think I am going to try it in a stout or saison later in the year or next year.