Im going to try a Quad with cherries this spring. Just curious. How long they normally take to ferment out. Ill probably use 5 pounds of fresh Bings. Seems like they’d go well in a quad.
Sounds like an interesting idea. I think I’d plan on 2 weeks and keep an eye on it to see if it goes faster.
Perfect, thanks.
Ya, its warming up. Im bored. Didn’t have temp control last time I tried a quad. So I figured what the hey. Have to get my freezer empty first though. It should work out timing wise with local harvest.
+1 to ~ 2 weeks. Obviously, check until you get FG. But I’d put those cherries in a paint strainer bag (or similar) - raw fruit generates a buttload of pulpy junk. Sounds good though - sort of Ommegang Three Philosopher’s style.
I hope its tasty
I have tart cherries in a wheat right now. The airlock still bubbles every now in again after 12 days at 70 degrees.
I’m thinking about brewing a quad in the fall. I was thinking sweet cherries. Are you planning on aging at all, Jim? Jon mentioned Three Philosophers… I recently found a four pack of 2011 Three Philisophers stashed in the back of the “beer cellar.” It tasted like a little slice of heaven. I wouldn’t expect you, or me to age a beer for 3-4 years before drinking it, but maybe try “losing” a few bottles somewhere in the house for awhile if it turns out good.
Im guessing the quad will be brewed about early June. After fruiting it, I’ll keg and lager till cold weather. So about 3 months aging