Gas station growler fills

I like this…maybe a retirement biz!

Nice! Wish it would migrate to FL. I did see a sign at the Texaco gas pump the other day that said “We now have craft beer inside”.  So there’s some progress.  Not on tap though.

That’s a cool business concept, although…

Has not been the case where I’ve seen growlers being filled.

Unless they let you bring a milk jug, you’ve paid for the packaging.  I suppose it’s reusable so the amortized cost is minimal but you definitely pay for the packaging.

True, you also pay for the growler. But what I meant was that growler fills are more expensive than bottled beer on a $/oz comparison - at least at almost every brewery I’ve been to.

Well, I know that at Goose Island it’s definitely cheaper than buying pints of the same beer.  But that’s not necessarily a decent comparison between the costs of growlers vs. bottles.

I actually filled up a growler in Bend about a month ago or so, on my way to visit my daughter in Eugene.  It was delightful.  There must have been 30 or 40 craft beers on tap to choose from.  Being from Utah, I knew I was in brew heaven.

Besides that, it’s illegal to put gasoline in a glass container!  :o  ::)    :wink:

I wonder where something like that would work in Des Miones?  Hmmmm?

It probably wouldn’t fly under Iowa law.  Law enforcement here fights brew-pubs selling growlers.  The pubs can’t even sell their own beer in growlers without having a distributor pick it up and redeliver it back to the pub.  It might be a good little money maker if you could get a license though.


Yeah, and I think in many states only producers can sell growlers, not retailers.

The growler to go gig is big business here in Alabama. Lots of places are doing it.

It has really begun to take off in the last year here in Georgia.

You are correct. In Michigan, only Brewpubs and MicroBrewery licenses can fill growlers. The largest brewery in the state, Bells, can’t fill growlers as they have a Brewers license (over 60k barrrels). That is moot for them, as Larry Bell did not sell growlers before they grew into the Brewers license.

Here Dogfish sells growlers at the pub but not the brewery (don’t know if that is law or choice). Fordham, a smaller brewery, cannot sell any beer on-site due to partial ownership by AB, which technically puts them over the limit.