I’m about to put in my annual hop order. I have a Vienna lager and Munich Dunkel in my 2017 line up where I’d use perle for bittering and mt for a mid boil addition. I could just use more mt hood for bittering so I’m trying to figure out another use for them. Any perle fans out there? What do you use them for?
I have used them for bittering for years. Good, smooth, clean bittering. You can use then for just about any beer.
However, I’ve never used them for finishing.
I love Perle hops, especially for a mellow bittering. I just used them today, in fact, as both a bittering and late addition hop for a pale ale. They’re not a huge aroma hop but they provide a pleasant generic hoppiness (like you might find in an american lager). They’re good in my book and plenty useful.
Mt. Hood is another big hitter for me.
I am a fan using perle in my wheat, pale, and low gravity brews.
Perle is a nice and clean bittering hop that was popular prior to the current strains of super alpha hops like Magnum. I use Perle as my main bittering hop in a number of brews. I’ve never heard of it being used as a finishing hop.
I have a Saison that uses Perle at 60 and 5 min. Smooth bittering, and very pleasant noble like character.
I would definitely use it in any style that calls for Noble hops.
Oh, I also recall that Rogue Dead Guy Ale uses Perle for bittering.
I have used quite a bit of perle and magnum. I have however switched to bittering with hop extract and save the low AA noble varieties in smaller amounts for flavoring. I like to keep the hop particulate down in the wort as I find it to lend a cleaner bitterness.
Sometimes I get a nice low level minty flavor from Perle.
Had a smash Perle IPA once. It was a lot of the sort of general herbal/spice hoppiness one finds in noble hops and their derivatives.
Could be used in any number of styles where a noble hop might be desirable.
I’ll mostly be using it for bittering/ fwh when I don’t use nugget, my go to bittering hop. I have a Belgian pale planned as my next batch I’ll be single hopping with perle to see what’s it’s made of flavor wise
I’m a big fan of Perle. As the others said, it is a nice clean bittering hop with noble-ish character (though not as fine nor aromatic as the true noble hops).