Germany spoiled me

I spent 11 months in Vilsek and Sweinfurt. Did a little traveling around also. I found the crystal weizen (sp?) pronounced “vissen” to be the best in flavor, with a smooth finish. Every little town has their own little brewery, and so their own recipes.
I tried some “Hefe” beer’s, as normally I enjoy a dark beer, but those were too bitter for my tastes.
The coolest thing, was you could leave a 20mark bill in an envelope taped to your door, and when you got home, a rack of beer would be there. As I recall, there were 20 bottles, and each bottle was 20oz. If I drank more than 1 and a half, I was headed for a hangover the next morning!
Some of the locals would ask for a half&half, which was half Hefe, and half cocacola! I never tried that one.
One other thing that I found hilarious was, you could go to a McDonalds and get a McBeer to go! I didnt try that either.

I haven’t been to Thüringen, but I know some Austrians who say “vizen” instead of “wesen.” Die deutsche Dialekte are pretty interesting. I’m learning the finer points of German from a Bavarian, so the accents and pronunciations are very interesting to me.

My parents lived in Bad Aibling in Bavaria from 1980 to 1989.  I spent a lot of time visiting them there.  I fell in love with the Bayerische Weissbier (mit hefe).  There were no good sources for those here in the States, so that’s when I started homebrewing my own.

Germany spoiled me too!  And, set my feet on the brewing path…

You were there some time ago if you remember the D-mark.

Wife and I went on a 15 year anniversary to Germany.  Highlights were Cologne, Bamberg, and Munich for O’fest.  I was glad to get back in the US though, lots more interesting stuff happening here.

Going to Germany is what got me started with homebrewing. I too was in Schweinfurt, a 20 bottle rack of beer on base was $13.50 and you got $3.50 back when you returned the empties. My favorite beer is Maisel’s Weisse from Bayreuth, both Krystal and Hefe Weissen. I also like Weihenstephaner, that brewery has been in business since 1040! If I’m still around, I’m planning on flying over for their Millennium celebration.

Taking a family vacation to Gernany this Christmas. My wife and I met in Germany 20 yrs ago. We were both in the Army, so we got to spend about 4+ years there. This is a chance to take the kids as they’re old enough to enjoy and appreciate the trip. Really looking forward to enjoying the beers I first tried way back when. I think I’ll appreciate them even more now.

Primary trip is to Berlin with some side trips planned-possibly one to Pilsn; oh my! Any thoughts or suggestions?


Bamburg.  I don’t think it’s necessary to love smoked beer.

One can spend an afternoon at Mahrs going through there range of beers. There are also many brewers in the area that make tasty Kellerbier. Agree that there is more than Rauchbier in Bamberg.

Definitely not - every one of the brewpubs in town has a selection of excellent beers in different styles.  Something for all tastes.