Godspeed Little Berries

Just pitched my anual batch of muscadine wine yesterday; frothing nicely @65f as we speak.

28 pounds picked from my yard. Should come in around 13%

That’s awesome. Got any pics?

I remember you talking about them before. I’ve only heard of mustang grapes in my area.

I forgot to take pics ::)  I’ll try to remember next year and document the process.

I think mustang grapes are somewhat simular to muscadines. I believe muscadines would grow well in your area because they are “native” all the way west to Texas. They are very heat tolerant. They grow wild everywhere around here but a pain to gather. They usually grow to the tops of trees and are impossile to reach. I planted some on horizonal trelisses.

The cultivated varieties are reasonablly cheap. I bought mine from here: http://isons.com/index.html

I found a wild scuppernog vine in the edge of a field and last spring I laid a runner along the ground and placed a rock on it. Around February I will cut it and plant it also in my “vineyard”.