Looking for ideas on another Helles. I have brew these over the years and just looking to see what other are doing.
OG 1.054, FG 1.012
89% German pils
9.5% cara pils
1.5% munich 10L
20ibus, spalt, hall and tett
white labs bock 833
OG 1.048, FG 1.010
93.5% pils
3.5% munich 8L
1.5% Biscut
1.5% melanoidin
18ibus Hall
34/70 yeast
OG 1.048, FG 1.010
91% pils
6% munich 10L
3% melanoidin
18ibus hall
wyeast 2308
(Dave Taylor)
Those all look really good. My recipe is pretty simple, looks like this:
OG 1.049, FG 1.015
84% German pils
8% Carapils
8% wheat malt
~14 IBUs, homegrown Hallertau (just a bittering addition)
W-34/70 or 2206
A small addition of Munich or melanoidin would not be out of place, though I haven’t done that.
Here is my latest Helles that’s currently lagering in the chest freezer:
84% pilsner
10% light munich
6% carafoam
18 ibus Hallertauer mittelfruh at 60 min
wyeast 2206
9 lbs Pilsner (2 Row) Avangard (2.0 SRM) 88.4 %
1 lbs Munich Malt light-Avangard (5.0 SRM) 9.8 %
3.0 oz Melanoiden Malt (30.0 SRM) 1.8 %
2.00 oz Hallertauer [3.10 %] - Boil 75.0 min Hop 4 21.7 IBUs
1.0 pkg Southern German Lager (White Labs #WLP838)