So Short story. I was on Craig’s list and found a posting that a new home owner had a Nugget plant out back and wasn’t able to use the hops so said anyone who wanted could come over and pick. So I inquired and said I would trade for some and he said he would make sure there was some left for me on Sunday to pick.
Picked enough to fill a four gallon bucket (just enough to fill my dehydrator) and placed the bucket in my car. They were in the car for about three hours before I got home to put them in the dehydrator.
This morning, open the care and greeted by the smell of fresh hops. Got back in the car about noon and again greeted with the smell of fresh hops. One last time to come home and guess what? Fresh hops.
My Monday started out a little rough. That was a great surprise aroma therapy.
I love fresh hops.
I packaged my freshly dried cascades this morning and my clothes smelled like hops all day. Every now and then I’d get a whiff. Gotta love it!
I left most of mine on the bine this year. In years past I’ve harvested so much that I still have lbs. of Cascades from 5 years ago. This year, after I got to 1/2 lb. dried, I just left the rest.
I have been doing the same but these are going to a big brew day with the club on Saturday. Several members will contribute hops of several varieties.
8), I too love the smell. Some people don’t like it… :o
You could look into hop pillows!
Good for you Denny.
I know I have given you a ration in the past for feeling like you had to process the entire crop…
Glad to hear you are relaxing in that front.
They persist on the bine for a long time, and a simple squish and smear between the fingers releases the smell of hops for months to come!