So my LHBS closed because they extended too much credit to local breweries who didn’t pay up. Sad too because they had just expanded; not enough capital I’m sure. Where do you get grain? Looking took buy a base malt for multiple varieties and specialties for color/body. Suggestions?
I buy from MoreBeer online. They sell all grains at decent prices in 55, 50, 10, 5, and 1 lb sizes. And, any from 10 lbs. on down ship for free provided you order $59 worth of supplies. I buy in bulk which gives me flexibility to brew whatever I feel like on any given day and keeps the cost of my beer way down.
I don’t know where you’re located, but some brewpubs or small breweries will sell grains at their cost as long as you buy a full sack. It might be worth a drive if you could save on shipping.
I bought a 50 lb. bag of base malt at my favorite brew pub for $42.50 with no shipping involved.
And some home brew clubs will do a bulk order once or twice a year at more favorable prices than you could normally get on line.
The malt I’m using is Cargill special pale which is used mostly for ales.
I’m south of Seattle. I’m in a Homebrew club but we were displaced when the HBS closed; they just found a new place but don’t think they do grain orders. Didn’t think about the brewery option, I’ll definitely look into that.
I frequently buy from Williams, they sometimes have a lower price than More Stuff, being on the west coast the shipping should be comparable. Williams definitely has the best prices on bottle caps, especially when purchased in large quantities.
They carry almost everything: Breiss, Weyermann, Bairds, Canada Malting, Great Western. I use Great Western Pale, Breiss pilsen, Weyermann Munich, Bairds crystal, and a spate of various specialty malts