Many homebrewers purchase grains in bulk. How do you store your grain and who is your preferred supplier? Is it an online source, LHBS, or do you take a drive to the maltsters? Also, which grains do you buy in bulk? Your base grain, specialty, etc. I want to buy in bulk, but need clever ways to store the grain since I live in smaller quarters with no garage.
I’ve bought 2-row from Brewmasters Warehouse, mainly because they only charge $6.99 shipping and I have a 10% off code. I store my grain in a 50 lb Vittle Vault that you can buy at pet supply stores.
I know a lot of people will do a bulk buy with their homebrew club or hit up local breweries and buy a sack or two from them.
I buy my grain by the sack from North Country Malt. Reasonable prices and excellent service.
+1, I’ve been satisfied with them (although my most recent order took three weeks to ship).
Check your LHBS though. I pay roughly the same amount in shipping from NCM as I do for the actual grain, so it ends up costing little more to buy things locally.
Yeah, I ordered a sack of Best Pils malt from them about 10 days ago. I don’t think it’s shipped yet. This post just reminded me to send them an email to ping them for a status.
The cost of the 55lb sack was $33 and the shipping was $26 but that’s still better than I can do as far total cost from any other source I’ve been able to find. I’m currently working my way through a sack of MO and my LHBS should have Golden Promise in stock for about that price so I’ll probably pick up a bag from them once the MO is gone.
Be patient. Every time I’ve ordered from them, I hear nothing and hear nothing and then suddenly the box appears at my front door. Then, a week or so later, I get an email (or might have even been snail mail), confirming that it’s shipped. They need to get a new flux capacitor.
I store in buckets and gamma seal lids.