Grainfather G40

It took a long time to have the 220v outlet installed, but it’s done and I was able to play around with this thing today in preparation for brewing tomorrow.

I’m interested to see how well the bottom plate filter works with free floating pellet hops.  I saw a video on Youtube of someone brewing with 13 oz. of pellets and pumping super clear wort to the fermentor.  Gonna start with 3 oz. and see how it goes…



The filter works briliiantly. I use nothing but loose pellets.  The filter doesn’t clog and you get clear wort coming out. The pump is powerful enpugh that I can pump 6 feet across the floor and another 6 up to fill the fermenter.

Is the sparge ring in the bottom yours or have they started shipping them with the unit? I just lay the hose on top for recirc.  Then I batch sparge…as much as I can.

It didn’t come with the Grainfather.  I bought it from SS Brewtech.

Ah.  Kinda doubt you’ll need it, but I’ll be interested to see what you think.  Maybe try the first brew without it so that if yiu discover you dont need it you can send it back?

Well, that was an incredibly simple, enjoyable, and fast (I saved about 30 minutes over my typical process) brew day.  I was able to ramp the mash from 148° to 162° in seven minutes and from 162° to 170° in three minutes.  Total time from 170° to boiling was only 19 minutes.

And the filter plate works great.  With my old kettle, I’d have to leave behind almost .75 of a gallon to keep trub out of the fermentor, but with the G40 I only had to leave a bit more than a quart.

I also got a slight efficiency bump of 2%.

I did employ a filter bag during the mash which resulted in crystal clear pre-boil wort.



The first batch was good but not great; although, I’m really happy with how the second batch turned out.


It certainly looks good.

I use the same recirculating ring. I like how it distributes the wort across the grain bed. Who knows if it makes a difference but it gives me a warm fuzzy. [emoji16]

Considering I get perfect results without it, it seems like it’s for reassurance not beer quality.

It took me about six months to realize this, but you can control the power to the element during the boil.  I’m finding 90% is about where I want to be.

In case anyone is wondering, this is what the underside of the unit looks like with the bottom plate removed.  I cleaned out a bit of gunk around where the hose attaches to the outlet valve, but I didn’t see anything that really concerned me.


That’s a fairly recent software addition. Maybe the last 4-6 months. After I get to a boil I crank minedown to about 80%. Really helps control boil off

Well, that makes me feel like less of an idiot, thanks.

You’ve had your unit for longer than I’ve had mine.  Do you ever take off the pump head and clean the impeller as per the instructions?

Haven’t yet and haven’t had any issues. Probably should once the weather warms up. Didn’t even realize it was recommended since I didn’t get a manual. I do a fairly rigorous cleaning after each brew. Reirch hot water for a while, then record Craftmeister alkaline brewery wash for an hour or so, then recirc hot water again before a thorough rinse. Maybe that helps me.

And now it’s solar powered…


Wow!  Good on ya!