Saw older threads about the release of the Unibroue yeast strain, but no longer available now. So after drinking a few bottles of the Providential ale from trader joes, I reserved the last inch or so in the bottle and poured into a starter, set on the stirring plate, and…nothing happened.
Anyone try this? and succeed? youtube videos, the source of all wisdom, seem to indicate its possible…thoughts?
Well, first you have to determine whether the brewery uses it’s primary yeast strain for bottling.
If so, you have to determine how old the bottle is. The likelihood of being able to step the dregs up to a healthy, pitch able culture will be directly attributable to how long it’s been in there.
When I do this, I have a small volume starter to begin with, 500 ml or less. I also use the dregs from 2 or 3 12 oz. bottles. That might be a tough task with Unibroue bottles.
I’ve had great success in the past culturing from a bottle, and also complete duds. Big Monk has nailed it on both counts. Is it the yeast you want, and is it still viable. The duds I’ve had have been strong and/or long aged beers. Probably the right yeast but very few cells still viable, too few to see any visible action in the medium if there was any. That’s another point. You may not see any activity in the first stage, but stepping it up enough times might build a viable culture. However, the chances of infection are astronomically higher in that situation.
Had a nice surprise when I went down to the brew area and found the mason jar full of Unibroue dregs and it was bubbling! Active yeast culture forming I think…
About a week ago I had started this jar, with a starter of 3-4 tbsp of light dme and a pinch of yeast nutrient, as well as the last 4 ounces of about 4-5 bottles of Unibroue (from a long wkend). It now appears to be building pressure, but Im unsure of what to do with it now.
If I put it in the fridge, then it will slow down growth and go dormant. Im inclined to transfer to an E flask, put a good airlock on it, and keep it in 60F temps for as long as it appears to be growing…
I have vague plans of brewing an Abt12 clone next week, so it would be right at home in there…or a tripel.
Why transfer? If it’s happy, let it be. As long as its covered so nothing can fall in, no need for an airlock either. I don’t think I even own one anymore and I do a lot of yeast harvesting/ wrangling.