Do any of you guys know what strain this is? I’ve got a case of this and it is lovely. Thinking about culturing the dregs. LMK TIA
IIRC WY3864 is Unibroue yeast. I know that’s what in La Fin du Monde and I’d guess it’s in the Vintage/Terrible also.
Hmm. Sounds like a trip to the local TJ’s to see.
Roger tat DC…heading out to the brew shed for a flask. I had to “sacrifice” and open a bottle so I can get to the yeast. I remember you saying that you can’t get it(Vintage Ale) up in Eugene. Maybe you need to talk to the mgr at TJ’s. I pretty much bought them out of their stock…at 4.99 a bottle it’s cheap but half the price…go figure! ;D
I came across a couple bottles in my cellar last weekend. Maybe I’ll pop one open. My recollection is they’re not too bad at all.
FWIW, I’ve cultured the yeast from La Fin du Monde and it does quite nicely. I’m sure you could culture the yeast from one of these or, as Denny notes, buy a smack pack when they are available.
I must be getting blind in my old age. I went to the wyeast site and can’t find 3864 anywhere… DC, did you say it was a special release?
Yes. Special release. Available in the fall, IIRC.
From what I’ve been told, TJ didn’t file the paperwork to be bale to sell it. I dunno, that’s about 84th hand! However, our Costco has started catting Unibroue (along with Rodenbach and Chimay) that the TJ Vintage is the same as Unibroue Terrible, which I can get at Costco for $7.
At least you can get it so, that’s good. Saving 2 bucks a bottle would even be better IMO especially if you buy it by the case like me. IFIWY I’d start turning some screws…it’s not like you don’t have any influence…just sayin.
Actually it was just out 1st quarter of this year. It was released about a year and a half after the previous release so probably fall 2015 next if I had to guess.
If you want to see it more often, then email Wyeast to request that it be a year round strain. They base their decisions on that kind of feedback.
FWIW, this is one of my favorite strains. It tastes great and is super versatile. Wish it was available all year long.
The corks on the TJ bottles are a bitch to get out. I typically buy a case each year but stopped when I had to resort to a pair of heavy pliers to coax the cork out. Sometimes it would work, other times it would fail. Corkscrews became useless, hence the pliers.
The beer is decent, certainly worth $5, but those damned corks …
Never had a problem with the corks. I let it sit at room temp for aqbout an hour before I open it so, that might be the solution.