Hefe yeast in an Imperial Pale Ale recipe?

Curious if anyone has tried it or knows about some one who has.

Like a doppelweizen ala Avintinus?

I think you need to watch your IBUs if you try this. I’m a huge fan of Schneider’s Hopfenweisse, but that’s closer to an APA than an IPA in bittering level. I think with the right choice of hops you can definitely get a nice aroma and flavor profile, but an 80 IBU hop bomb is going to clash with the hefe yeast.

I misread this and thought it just said “Imperial Al;e” recipe. I’m not a fan of the cross notes of banana and hops, and while I have not tried it on a IIPA recipe I have done some Belgian Strains with a IIPA grain/hop bill and it is not to my liking. I have not found a commercially developed Belgian/American IPA hybrid that I have truly enjoyed and to my pallet some of the belgian strains share a lot in common with hefeweizen strains, especially when fermenting high gravity worts.

What the hell is an “imperial pale ale”?  An IPA?