What's my style?

I could use some BJCP style help.  We brewed a “Double Dog” clone.
5 galons
OG 1.103
FG  1.022
88 IBU
12.5 SRM
Dry hopped with
2 oz Columbus
2 oz Cascade.
It’s actually quite well balanced, but what style?
American Barleywine?
Imperial IPA?

You’ll surely get other opinions.
If you age it for a year or two (as you probably should) it will be an OLD ALE (and probably a very good one).


A BW but which yeast did you use?

I’d say american barleywine. IIPAs should (I think) be a bit dryer and higher IBUs.


Then that would make it an English Barleywine.

Except that 88 IBU of American hops might cancel that out!

Except that some English brewers have taken to using American hops! :wink:

Well it’s got 76% Britsh Pale 2-row 21% German wheat and 3% good old American crystal 120, along with a major attitude, that makes it as American as I am!  And that’s a total of 7 oz American hops.  I’ve used US-05 before and I didn’t want to dry it out that much.

Sheesh!  I thought you guys were going to help me, not confuse me even more.  I think I’ll just call it an Imperial IPA and damn the nay-sayers!

OK…then. I’ve got it. Call it a Brew Kettle (kitchen sink)  Barleywine.  ;)

Not everything you make will fit a style.  That’s why we have specialty beers.

That said, it sounds most like an American Barleywine to me, but you’d have to actually taste it and compare it to the guidelines to be sure.  Doesn’t matter what you intended to be; it matters what it is.

There you go with that Zen thing again.

Is there a need to classify it?  If you’re entering it in a competition try both and look at the feedback.  Otherwise call it good beer.

Well, It’s just for our club tasting on Tuesday - if they can’t take a joke…