Help me decide

I’m having a family free weekend - I thought it was just going to be Saturday AM to Sunday lunch, but it turns out it is going to be more like Friday AM (I might have to take the afternoon off :slight_smile: ) until maybe as late as Sunday dinner.

What should I brew?

I’m definitely brewing a Weizen on Friday and a hoppy red beer on Saturday (Rapture Red).  Those are set.

I really need to brew some Flanders and get that going again.  I have a RIS recipe sitting around that should get brewed at some point, but I think I might put it off further.  I’m open to other suggestions.  morticaixavier had some ideas for rapture themed ingredients that might be good in the right style, but nothing is grabbing me.

I have a variety of malt and hops on hand, but there is a well stocked LHBS 20 minutes away and three more within 45 minutes.

What ideas have you got?  What else should I brew?

hows that disertation coming along there tom?

How about a lager of some sort. Maybe a Bock or an Ofest.

Slowly. ;D

I rarely get entire weekends to do whatever I want, and you want me to spend it working?

kolsch? patersbier?

Hmmm, interesting ideas.  Those aren’t sounding great, I think I’m in the mood for something quicker.  But maybe a schwarzbier.

Good possibilities there, maybe the kolsch over the patersbier for now.

Lime saison.  Add a flanders aspect to it and put some bugs on it around 1.015-1.020.  And if you really want to get crazy, put some cherries in.  Sour cherry limeade.  Mmmm

6 day IPA

what about a small brown/mild?  that way you can have something with a bit of roasty toasty flavor when you don’t want clove/wheat or hoppy flavors.

Cross Dressing Amateur?

troublemaker!  :smiley:

It’s not my favorite style, but just because he’s being a wiseass that’s going on the top of the list.  :slight_smile:

So many good ideas here, thank guys. I usually have a long list of beers to brew, but I’m not always in the mood to brew/drink all of the styles on the list.

Witbier is on my short list for summer, and maybe a saison.  Those are nice summer beers.  I always advocate for best bitter as well, I alternate between that and APA as my go-to house brew.

With a vyzsen and a Red I’d brew a Stout or Porter just to have the full spectrum.

is that Barry’s bacon wheat beer? ;D

how about a ubber traditional Pls with no hops just a variety of psycogenic and stimulant herbs. Probably not all that easy to come by wormwood and valerian root on short notice though.

I am obsessed with steam beer at the moment as I am brewing a big batch for a wedding this summer and I started thinking about a sour cherry steam beer. like an anchor steam but when primary is over or almost over add brett and cherries. Up it WA you could probably find sour pie cherries easier than I can here in NorCal. Or rainier cherries might be good too with that loevely vanilla hint they have. mmmm. rainier cherries

Definitely something rapture themed. You know it’s this Saturday, right?

Whatever the style, you gotta give it a rapture-based name. End Times Barley Wine? Purgatory Pilsner? Armageddon Red(den)?

Mead, mead, mead, mead,
mead, mead, mead, mead!

Weren’t you going to make a lime melomel?

How about you do something with that Alder smoked malt in your freezer?

How about a parti-gyle?

You could call them Heaven and Hell! ::slight_smile: