Help me out: "Belgian Red"

Not a Flemish type beer (not sour). Thinking about a “dubbel” type beer but I want it to be red. Drawing a blank. If anyone has brewed something like this give me some idea what to do, or if you have tried a belgian red type beer send me in that direction. I’d kinda like to age it in a wine barrel, or some type of oak character. Looking at around a 1.060-1.065 beer. My house strain is WLP500 (chimay), but I can use any strain. I’d kinda like to use that one though if possible.

You could try Carared or a couple oz of Chocolate.

I thought about the carared. I have never used it so don’t know what to expect. I want to keep the roast charcter down but did think about some roasted barley at very small amount. I seem to remember reading somewhere that to geta  “red” color to a beer you use Roatsed Barley … or was it Black Patent. I can’t remember.

You can use a couple oz. of roasted barley to get red color, but for something like you’re proposing I think carared would be a better choice.  I use a couple lb. in my Waldo Lake amber recipe and really like it.  It’s kinda like a darker crystal, but it seems to be more fermentable.  AAMOF, you might consider that grist as a starting point, maybe sub pils for the pale malt, and add (or sub in) some sugar.

So… arre you gonna make me do a google search or can you point me to the recipe?  :stuck_out_tongue:

FWIW I did search but it looks like its a kit at northern brewer.

Vienna, rye malt, carared, caramunich, choc, black, melanoidin, special b.  There’s a few that lend orange or red color.

So like a standard dubbel with a deep red color?

There’s also about 30 pages of discussion, but I PM’ed it to ya…or here…

Thanks man! Dial up is a bitch, all I’m sayin’.  :wink:

Yep.  It wasn’t too long ago that dialup was all I could get.  Thank goodness those days are over!

So here’s what I am thinking for grain bill

1.063 OG
52.6% Pils
26.3% Vienna
10.5% CaraRed
10.5% sugar

I like it.  You might want to go a bit more on the carared, but I’d brew that one the first time to see what happens.

One other suggestion is to use a significant level of Vienna malt. I made an Ofest that was mostly Vienna that had a reddish amber color…absolutely beautiful color. Then there’s the old standby, a pinch of chocolate malt, that also lends a reddish hue in amber ales and Cali commons.

I’ve also used Carared with good success.

I think you’ll nail it with that one Keith.  :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help, guys! I can’t wait to try it!

I guess I’m late to the party, but that’s pretty much what I was going to suggest. A Pils/Vienna or Pils/Munich base, with a small amount of Munich II and some CaraMunich for color.