So finally got a flask and smaller stir bar and my plate is working like a champ now, when making a starter how much of a funnel do you want? I have a pic of three different settings on my controller to see where I should set it at for it maiden voyage
The smallest one is fine. It’s a myth that a larger vortex will get you more O2. There isn’t enough difference to really matter. The real benefit of a stir plate is to keep the yeast in contact with the wort.
Thanks wasn’t sure if it was going to work I slapped some labels on after cleaning bottles one day then when it dried just hit it with the clear coat stuff from minwax for after staining and it worked like a champ think I did 3 or 4 coats so some what sealed now too lol
Old computer fan, rare earth magnet out of a hard drive, toggle switch, and a wall plug that has a switch for volts to control spin speed. I’ll snap pics when I pitch the starter after brew day
Awesome stir plate. I have a couple I’ve made, but really like your cigar box version w the labels.
I always have just cranked mine up to a point where they seem stable and don’t throw the magnet or make any noise. A good solid vortex is all you need, but last thing u want is to come back to the plate and find the magnet thrown.
Other comment I’ll make is why did u choose the 1 liter size for your flask? I started w a 500ml flask myself. But after I had done more reading, think it was jamils yeast book, I learned that the size of the starter affects growth. Without a sufficient volume you’re really not growing many new cells. You are “waking them up” and getting them ready to ferment, but the usually growth and activity are the goal. This is why 2 liters is the most popular size, it should double the cell count of a single vial. Some of the larger 3 - 5 liter sizes are also useful if you’re using multiple vials for a big batch or lager or something. I’d recommend messing around w one of the yeast calculators to find the sweet spot for your brew size/type.