Have not seen this until now. Anyone have something similar or know someone who has it? Interesting if it works well. Not a must have but a geek wants what a geek wants! Like the idea of throwing 2-3 gal jug on their and growing some larger quantities of yeast.
the challenge i see is finding a vessel larger than 5 liters with a flat bottom.
3 gal carboy-glass or plastic should be fine. same bottom as my 1 gal jug. magnets strong enough it does the trick.
well there ya go then! 8)
Don’t forget that you need a longer stir bar as the size of your vessel increases. I use a 3" bar in a 6L Erhlenmeyer flask.
for sure-good call out.
For 5 gallons of volume, surely, but I use a 15mm-or-so long bar in my 5L flask and it makes a decent vortex with the potentiometer on its lowest setting.
i have something similar in size - lab grade, with settings to the single RPM.
Can’t imagine ever needing to stir anything larger than my 5L flask, since if I needed the amount of yeast a 3-5gal jug would make, I’d probably just make a smaller starter to make a batch of APA or something, but to each his own.
thats a great price on that unit.
Northern brewer has sale today on any single item so I just got this for 20% off -$103. Code is TAKE20.
the most interesting thing I can think of with this big of a stir plate would be 2 possible scenarios:
- You are using a highly flocculant strain and want to keep it in suspension during fermentation (Closed fermenter you’re not aerating your wort)
- Possibly cranking it up to degass a mead while it’s fermenting… Not sure how well it would work… but it seems like it should…
For the price, you really can’t go wrong if you need a stir plate. Im planning on using a 5L flask on it, and already have smaller plate for up to 3L.
Great addition to my brewery. Using a 2" bar and on speed 2 makes one hell of a vortex in 4 liters. Has a timer on it so you can program it. With the discount feeling like I got a good one for sure.
yeah mine got delivered just before i went out of town for the weekend so i have not had any chance to play with it but i did unbox it and it looks nicely built.
If your not careful it will put your eye out.
very powerful. i use mine on speed 1 and that’s all i need to gently move the wort. i like the timer function on it also.
Yeah, its pretty new to me, had to see what it was capable of. The only thing I see is the platform scratches real easy, but no big deal. Here it is on speed 1 in case anyone else is considering one.
acrylic case, but scratches really doesn’t matter…looks battle hardened!
and speed one with water is not the same with wort and yeast…cant even see any vortex or much of any dimple on the surface.