Homebrew All Stars

I finally picked up a copy of Denny and Drew’s book the other day.  I love this book!
It’s like a who’s who of this forum!
Great Job Denny & Drew, and thanks to everyone who shared their secrets and wisdom!

I was humbled and honored to be included in the book! Really nice tips in there and some fun recipes!

Thanks, guys.  We’re really grateful to all the people in the book for their time.  I think it’s kinda cool that you get tips from 25 brewers, rather than just the 1 or 2 who wrote the book.

But those 1 or 2 are the go to guys.
(Is that too much sucking up?)
Love the book: got it signed by Denny and Drew.  :-*

Never too much!  :wink:

Is that a challenge?  ;D