Homebrew Shop Survey

I’m not sure exactly how well this will work, but I figured that it’s worth a try. I have to do a statistics project for my MBA and we were allowed to choose the topic. I decided to do a project on what people look for in a homebrew shop and give the results to my local homebrew shop owner. Please take the time to fill out this survey and it will be greatly appreciated. I’m also handing these out to the local clubs in my area.

Preferred Features of a Local Home-Brew Shop:
A Home-Brewer’s Survey

Home-Brew shops aspire to offer any and everything that you, the local home-brewer, may possibly want or need.  Please take the time to answer these few questions in order to help me find out what features are essential to you when shopping for home-brewing ingredients or equipment.


  1. What type of brewing do you do?

____ All-Grain ____ Partial-Mash ____ Extract

  1. How many people do you brew with?

____ Alone ____ 2-4 People ____ Group Brew (5 or more people)

  1. How many years have you been home-brewing?

¬¬____ 1-2 ____ 3-4 ____ 5+

  1. What is your gender?

____ Male ____ Female

General Information:

  1. How often do you purchase ingredients or equipment for home-brewing?

____ 1-4 times a year ____ 5-8 times a year

____ 9-12 times a year  ____ 13+ times a year

  1. Do you purchase your ingredients or equipment at a local store or over the internet?

____ Local Home-brew shop ____ Internet Website

  1. Do you feel that a local home-brew shop is necessary for your area?

____ Yes ____ No

  1. Please rate how beneficial having a local home-brew shop has been to your brewing experience.

Not Very Beneficial 1 2 3 4 5 Very Beneficial

  1. How did you hear about the Local Home-Brew Shop in your area?
        ____ Radio Ad ____ Internet ____ From a Friend ____ Local Beer Fest
        ____ Homebrewtalk.com   Other ____________________________________

  2. When shopping at a Local Home-Brew Store, please rate the importance of the following Ingredients/Equipment by circling the appropriate number for each:

5 = Very Important (VI)
4 = Important (I)
3 = Neutral (N)
2 = Unimportant (U)
1 = Very Unimportant (VU)

Possible Ingredients/Equipment:               VI I N U VU

Multiple Hop Varieties 5 4 3 2   1
Multiple Grain Varieties  5 4 3 2   1
Multiple Malt Extracts                 5 4 3 2   1
Multiple Yeast Varieties 5 4 3 2   1
Multiple Sanitizers/Cleansers                 5 4 3 2   1
Beer/Wine Kits 5 4 3 2   1
Brewing Equipment 5 4 3 2   1
Bottling Equipment 5 4 3 2   1
Fermenting Equipment 5 4 3 2   1
Measurement Tools 5 4 3 2   1
Equipment Kits 5 4 3 2   1
Interactive Website 5 4 3 2   1
Price 5 4 3 2   1

  1. List any other features that you feel would enhance your shopping experience.

  2. Would you rather shop at your Local Home-Brew Store if it offered you better prices and ingredients/equipment than the many internet websites?

____ Yes   ____ No ____ Not Sure

• If you wish to receive a copy of the results please send a self-addressed envelope along with the completed survey.

Thank you for your time

The format of this survey is horrible. Why don’t you put it in a friendlier format and save us some work? Check out Google Forms: Online Form Creator | Google Workspace for ways to make it easier to fill out.

Let me preface my answer by saying, that for the purpose of this survey, I consider my ‘local’ shop to be where I normally buy my ingredients from.  Its not really local - its 2.5 hours away - my truly local shop (5 minutes from home) does not sell grain, hops or liquid yeast (or any specialty brewer’s yeast), they sell hopped malt kits, some dry extract and wine kits.  I only buy bottle caps, priming sugar and occassionally new tubing from them.

1 All-Grain
2 Alone, occassionally one other person
3 Just over a year (all-grain), previously ~10 years (off and on) with hopped malt kits
4 Male
5 9-12 times
6 Local Home-brew shop (see above), I usually email my order in and tell them when I’m picking it up or have them ship it to me.
7 Yes
8 1 Not Beneficial (experience wise) - I grab what I want and leave.  Sources like this forum and my brew club are much more beneficial.
9 From a friend
10 Multiple Hop Varieties        5
Multiple Grain Varieties         5
Multiple Malt Extracts             3
Multiple Yeast Varieties       5
Multiple Sanitizers/Cleansers           4
Beer/Wine Kits           2  
Brewing Equipment           2  
Bottling Equipment           2  
Fermenting Equipment       3
Measurement Tools          3  
Equipment Kits          2    
Interactive Website          2  
Price             4

11 ----
12 Yes

Are we supposed to reply here or mail it in?  ???

The guy is getting an MBA. He has no idea what to do or how to do it but will get paid a lot of money so that others can do the hard work for him ;D (I may pursue an MBA one day)