Hop combination question

Would citra and cascade work together well?

I recently made a pale ale with citra and centennial (sorta like cascade) and it came out like grapefruit juice.  :o But then I may have overdone it with late additions and dry hop amounts for a pale ale.

Yes, but keep in mind that they are both pretty straightforward fruit in flavor. To my palate I’d want to fill out the hops with something like Chinook, Simcoe or maybe Columbus to add some complexity and a piny and/or dank counterpoint to the fruit.

But that’s just my tastes, if you want a fruit-bomb APA or IPA then fire away. I’m sure you can brew a hell of a beer just using these two hops.

Citra seems to play well with Amarillo, IMO.

They make a great combo.

I made a pale ale with columbus, cascade and amarillo. I was going to use citra but the LHBS didn’t have citra, or I just couldn’t find it. Anywho, it was great. Was a citrusy nose and flavor with a bit of a bitter at that end.

Just did a pale ale with Columbus and Mt. Hood and dry hopped with Citra and Columbus. Smells and tastes fantastic.  Really, really liking the flavor/bittering I get from Columbus.