Thinking about a Citra IPA

I have been enjoying an IPA of about 5.5 ABV with 7 oz of Cascade hops of which 2 is the dry hop.  I am liking the single hop beer and thought I might brew the same IPA recipe but try Citra in the same sequence.  Has anyone tried this hops as a single bittering, aroma and flavor hops?  Tell me how you liked it, if you would do it again or is there a good Citra combination I am overlooking?  I have a Citra in the freezer and have yet to try it.

You should definately do it with citra… you will not be disappointed!

Single hop ipas are always a good idea to find out about a particular hop.
You should try it, especially with the same recipe.

That said, I will tell you that I found that I like Citra paired with something else
better than totally alone.

I really liked the Citrillo.  yep, equal parts Amarillo.

Have fun.

Well, you may be disappointed depending on your tastes. I made an all citra IPA before and I couldn’t hardly drink it. The mango character of the citra reminded me strongly of that fruit flavored tea you get a restaurants. Other’s enjoyed it. I think you will find the same sentiments on this forum - some love it, other’s not so much. For my taste citra works better as a blend. I have been experimenting with it in my saisons (with a light touch) to bring out some extra fruitiness.

A local brewer put his all centennial IPA through a randall of all citra and that was delicious!

Truely a unique flavor profile from Citra.  I did have the opportunity to taste a single hop Citra PA and it was remarkable how fruity the profile was.  Very tasty, but as Keith said it can be overwhelming on its own.

I like that idea to make the single hopped beer and be ready to dry hop or randallize it with another hop to restrain the fruitiness.

I have a IIPA on tap that I bittered with Columbus then began “hopbursting” with equal additions of Citra, Centennial, and Amarillo @ 20 mins and every 5 mins down to flameout.  I also dryhopped with equal additions of Citra, Centennial, and Columbus.  At 1st taste the beer was all Citra and I wasn’t quite sure I liked it?  It is a VERY dominate hop.  Some 3-4 weeks later, I’m able to pick up some of the other additions and the malt is coming through nicely.  Great fruity beer that is so easy to drink it’s scary.  Especially at 8.2%abv.

Widmer Rotator X-114 is an all citra hopped IPA.  Not bad, a little mellow for an IPA IMHO, but very drinkable.  If you can find some it will give you an idea of what to expect.  When I only do single hoppings I like to hop burst only at 20-10-0 to get an idea of the hop flavor contributions.  Then dry hop as well.  I think it is kind of a waste to use a flavor/aroma hop for a bittering addition.  Especially as hard as it is to find some of the more popular varieties theses days.