Hop harvest

I think I’ll be selectively harvesting some hops soon.  Some of the Cascades hops are full grown, but I think I have more flowers than hops at this time.  The Centennial and Goldings are lagging.  It seems a little earlier than previous years in Chicagoland.  At the risk of jinxing myself, I haven’t seen any white flies on my hops … yet.  This is the first year that I culled bines but I’m not sure that culling is connected to a possibly earlier harvest and lack of white flies.

I don’t know if I harvested before September last year. I did harvesting today. I know that we’ve had a butt pile of rain this year. I don’t think it rained in a five week span last year.

Yeah, Chicagoland is definitely ahead of schedule this year. Other than my first year plants, everything has lots of full size  cones. They can’t be too far from harvest. There was lots of early summer rain. And no Japanese Beetles yet either. I hate those bastards.

My Centennial was ready last week. Pulled off about 3oz (dried). I have three new vines that replaced the three I harvested and it looks like I will get a second batch. Never had that happen in the 5 years I have been growing.
The Cascade is looking very heavy with cones. I think it will be a banner year.