Anybody have any suggestions for hops to use in a White IPA? I was thinking of a fruitier, citrus and melon profile to complement the orange peel. What about hopping rates and when to add spices?
Citra, use maybe 4oz, spices aren’t necessary, but I had one from Boulevard that had sage in it that I thought was pretty good.
I tried one somewhere made with Nelson Sauvin and Galaxy and thought it worked pretty well.
I’ve done a white IPA with a combo of Galaxy and Citra that turned out nice. Mosaic could be another option for the taste you’re looking for.
Citra and Galaxy were definitely on my list. Hadn’t thought about Sage as a spice, but that could be interesting. Lemon peel was another alternative, but I don’t want to go crazy with the spices.
Here’s the “recipe” from Deschutes, which I believe is similar to Boulevard. Doesn’t give all the information, but gives you a starting point.
Good luck!