Hoppy Lager help

Looking for help with water and hop additions. I want something pretty hoppy but not overly so where it covers up lager characteristics. Thinking about something close to a pilsner bitterness wise with new school hops. Any advice on IBUs, hop additions and amounts?

How about water? I want something crisp and snappy but also with a decent malt character. Modified yellow bitter with increased SO4? mash pH = 5.2?

Here’s where I’m starting:
70% weyermann pils
30% munich I

magnum bittering
1 oz each of mandarina, huell melon, hallertau blanc at 2 minutes remaining
1 oz each of mandarina, huell melon, hallertau blanc DRY HOP

35 IBUs?

german lager yeast

I spent the summer before last playing with new school hopped Pilsner type beers, loads of fun.  My favorite grain bill was exactly what you have.  Good call, as is your target bitterness range.  And I did find that the slightly higher than standard Pilsner gravity you plan gives enough malt foundation for the more assertive hops.  As for water, I found I prefer to keep the SO4 to 100ppm tops, probably lower, just way too mineral tasting beyond that with a lager fermentation, making the hoppiness seem a bit rough and unpleasant.  Lager does need balance  and elegance.  Also, I recommend you try getting some or all of your bitterness from FWH with a new school dual use variety, to add some kettle hop flavor and aroma too.  And FWIW,  I love me a Simcoe Pilsner.

Thanks for your input. I’ll probably back down the amount of sulfate I was planning. Planning to go all German ingredients hence the MB, HM, and HB