The Timothy Taylor Landlord thread in the Commercial Beer Reviews subforum got me thinking about buying a few lbs of English hops. The last time I purchased English whole hops from Hops Direct (years ago), they were cheesy, and unusable.
So, now I’m considering rolling the dice and buying some English pelletized hops. Maybe they will be fresher?
Has anyone here recently purchased English hops, whole or pelletized from Hops Direct? How was the quality? Is there a better source for English hops?
Looks like many of the hops listed are stating 2011 Crop so I’d imagine they’re pretty fresh. I just got a pound of “GR Mittelfrueh Pellet NEW 2011 CROP” and they were VERY fresh! Cheers!!!
Now is the time to buy. They got the sea containers in right before Christmas.
They make their own pellets from the bales of whole hops. Says so somewhere on the web page. The quality of the pellets depends on the whloe hop quality going in.
If I open up more freezer space, a pound of Styrian Goldings is tempting.
I can’t speak for Jeff, but I have bought both Fuggles and EK Goldings in pellet form. I am happy with both. I’ve never bought hops from any seller that I thought were bad upon arrival, though, so your mileage may vary.
I just got one pound bags of Styrian Goldings, Czech Saaz, and Hallertau Mittelfruh, all of which are very fresh. I just used the Saaz in a BoPils last week. Smelled heavenly in the kettle! I’d say there’s nothing to worry about with Hops Direct. I’ve always been very pleased. Been ordering from them for several years now.
One thing I have to say is that the Hallertau Mittelfrueh had seeds! I have never seen seeds in a German hop. They must be slipping, or said “these have seeds, send to America”.
I bought some 2010 Czech Saaz in 2011 before the new shipment and they were still great. I just started buying from Hops Direct this year, and have 10 pounds in the fridge of whole and pellets of various types. They have all been outstanding.
I buy both. Whole hops tend to be good for their freshness, whereas pellets typically have a longer shelflife if properly stored. They both have their benefits, but fresh hop pellets produce just as well as fresh whole leaf for the most part.
You guys need to stop bringing threads up like this. I just cleared out some room in the freezer. I might as well fill them up with some German hallertau huh?