How about least favorite style of beer?

The only ones I can think of that I don’t really enjoy are 1A, 1B, and 1C!

Hefeweizen or pretty much any wheat based beer.

I don’t care for really sour beers, like Rodenbach Grand Cru. Acidity is good, I just don’t want them to taste like salad dressing. Fruit beer is another turn off to me. I hate when beer tastes like fruit. I also don’t care for “Lite” beer.

Sours, yuck. Taste like my homebrew! :wink:
Mike I didn’t see you at the Big Beers this year.

Fruit beers and English browns are waste of malt, imho.

whoa - never heard anyone say they don’t like English Brown - never heard anyone say its their fave either - most people are kinda agnostic to that style.  interesting.

I can appreciate sours, I just would never brew one.

I don’t like the weaker Scottish ales (/60 and /70), don’t like the 1A, B, and C either, (tho D and E are faves) but I can’t stand FRUIT BEERS.

Not a bourbon drinker, so anything that has been in a bouron barrel.

Just - don’t - like.

Damn, how did I forget that one?  I’m with ya, Keith!  And pretty much most styles of English beer, too.

FTR record I am marking up my enemy list. Hefeweizen haters, non-bourbon drinkers … maybe this thread was a bad idea.  :P

Kidding, of course. :wink: (I love Hefeweizens and, especially, bourbon - but I love you guys too.)

I don’t think I’ve ever met a Kolsch that I liked.

Fruit beers
North end of a South bound skunk nasty

I used to hate on Belgian/sour beers but have since grown up.

I don’t know, some days nothing sounds good.  :o  Thin beers I’ll drink but I don’t like them nearly as much.  I had a couple of blueberry wheat beers by Leinenkugle(sp?) this fall and it tore my intestines up for a couple of days… so I shudder now whenever I think about a wheat beer.  >:( :D  I wasn’t impressed with the fruit in it either.  But with that said, sometimes I like the esters provided by yeast.  ;D


Not a fan of California Common

Yeah, I couldn’t make it. I didn’t even get to enter a beer in the comp.  :frowning:
Hope you guys had fun. Everyone I talked to had a blast. Hopefully next year!

Non-sour Belgians in general. Any fruity estery. I can sample them and critique but
when the opportunity for a beer arrives, Something hoppy please.
I am ok with lambics and sours though. Figure that one?!?!

Any Alt beer that I make! (Three so far.)

I’ve had Alt fresh in Germany and canned elsewhere in Europe, and thought it was pretty good.

At home though, it’s a style that continually challenges me.

My Kolsch-style brews are good, however.

Prrobably wheat beers. It’s not that I don’t like wheat beer because I won’t turn one down… I like to have one once in a blue moon. But they are just not my style.

Not a fan of  the hefeweisen with the clove/banana thing.  Belgians are not my first choice of beers to drink, although I’m doing my best to learn to appreciate.

Fruit beers & 1A, 1B.  Not fond of 1C, but Red Stripe is a guilty pleasure of mine on a hot summer day, but probably mostly for the stubby bottles.