When thinking about the wide world of beer, there are so many delicious beers available but there are also so many that I would rather use to water plants with. So, what is the worst beer (commercial or homebrew) you have ever had the displeasure of tasting?
If we count malt liquor, the worst “beer” I have ever tasted is Evil Eye. I believe I had to chase it with a swig of cheap vodka.
Wow, you guys are dredging up memories I’d rather not revisit! SATB has gotta be right up there as far as commercial beers, but I think the absolute worst has to be the “Dastardly Dort” I brewed a few years back.
Or those nifty little minikegs…I bought a couple of those before I started kegging. Really not a terrible beer sans skunking.
SA Triple Bock was almost amusingly bad. I had the 1997, sampled probably in 2004 or so. Not even the worst tasting, but somehow the worst brewed beer I could imagine. Soy sauce flavors even. Best used as a meat marinade!
But the only beer I can remember dumping out in abject disgust, even though I do respect it as probably well brewed, is Hanssens Oude Kriek. I wrote three things down in my tasting journal (yes back then I had a journal, lol!). Acetone, vinegar, and manure.
just about every beer i drank when i was in the south pacific. they all were laced with formaldehyde. even in hong kong. the guinness sucked. i still can’t touch it. budweiser was formaldehyde free. maybe that is why i still like it on occasion. it rescued me.
While I am not a big Heineken fan I can think of LOTS of beers far worse. Coors light, for instance. I have had many brew pub beers across the country that were undrinkable. On a hot, summer day I can generally drink a Heineken, even if it is no where on the top of the list.
I’ll go with the first beer I ever had - MGD that was 10 years old. Of course I didn’t know what it should have tasted and the hang over sucked.
More recently, I’d say that I’ve always been disappointed when ordering any of the casked conditioned ales at the Red Hook tap house. They all seem very watered down.
If you open a damn Pumpkin beer and see me coming just ignore me dont reach out JEFF YOU GOTTA TRY THIS
I am far too low key,easy going to tell someone I dont want to try their beer so this is posted in hopes that someone from my club will see it.
I might have to skip the October and November meetings…
The worst commercial beer I have any remembrance of was this past Memorial Day Weekend at Zoo Brew in Memphis. . . Saranac Black Forest Dark Lager. Pure vinegar. It was so bad, that the representative was suggesting folks not try it.