How long for your lagers to drop clear?

How long cold conditioning does it take for your lagers to drop clear?  Not necessarily “filtered” looking clear, but clear…
Usually after 2-3 weeks at 32, my ales are brilliantly clear, but my lagers tend to hold onto the haze for a bit longer.    I had a Czech pils this summer that refused to clear (until I persuaded it with gelatin) 
My Oktoberfest (with WY 2206) was brilliantly clear within 5-6 weeks.  The last German Pils (Wy 2124) I did still hung onto a tiny bit of haze even after 4-5 weeks. 
fwiw, my cooler is set at 32 (perhaps a degree or two lower-  the beer doesn’t freeze, but the condensation tends to ice up on the bottom of the freezer)

Just curious what others experiences are

Do you brew all grain (can’t remember)?  It sounds like your haze shows up in Pils based malts.  Do your Pils malt based beers show a lot of protein coagulation in the boil?  Mine do - like a big bowl of egg drop soup.  Do you do a 90 minute boil?

Yeah, all grain and I do 90 minute (vigurous!) boils.

generally two weeks for it to clear, 3 for crystal almost filtered looking.

here’s my recent german pils after 3 weeks lagering:

you said you have not gotten into water chem yet - that might be your culprit!

Yeah I need to get a sample off to ward labs.

Yep, I’d put my money on water chemistry as well. I always had this problem with lighter beers. If your O-fests are clearing fairly quickly, then hopefully this means your water is only moderately alkaline. FWIW, here’s my boston lager clone next to the real thing after 5-6 weeks of lagering. 8)

if its moderately alkaline, what measures am I going to have to take for the lighter beers?

Either cut down the water with RO to reduce the akalinity or if it’s not that far off you can probably bounce it closer in line with acidification.

+2 to water chemistry.

Once I got my mash pH correct, cloudy/hazy beers have all but been eliminated.  I never thoght it would make the difference that it did.

Water chemistry and time.

I use bottled water…Poland Spring water with no additions and my O-fest is pretty clear after 2 months of lagering.

I could add some gelatin and get it to clear faster but I’m fine with it clearing in due time.

Another vote here for H2O chemistry. I normally lager for a minimum of a month and normally have clear beer.

water chem it is!  I’ll have to package up a sample and ship it out.  Hopefully Friday.

So the water being a bit alkaline would cause this?  What other problems could this be causing that I’m not noticing?

First I was happy with extract brewing and said I had no need to do all grain…  then I went all grain and said my beer was fine and I wasn’t gonna worry about the ph.    A few colorphast strips later I said I wasn’t gonna worry about water chemistry…    ha ha what’s next?

Open fermenters and wild (spontaneous fermentation)

Check this out:

This one is from Czech brewery.
Well they do not do spontaneous fermentation there.

No open fermentations in my basement until I get rid of mamas cat ha ha.  I don’t even wanna open the carboy to take a hydro sample with the litter box down there

1 year lagering:

I thought the beer was pretty clear going into the secondary, but this is what was left after that year:

my lafers have all come out clear.  most of my beer does.  unibroue yeast does a nice job on belgian/farmhouse brews and lagering seems to work well for me.  I lagered the last batch 6-7 months and it was amazing.