I brewed a 5 gallon batch of an Imperial Pale Ale about 13 weeks ago from a Brewers Best kit, my third batch ever. It said about 4 weeks is good in the carboy to ferment, but since the beginning of this semester, I’ve been unable to find the time to bottle it (Organic Chemistry…). Simple yes or no question really, is it still worth my while to go ahead and bottle it? Has it spoiled? Thanks all.
Yes, bottle it. It shouldn’t have spoiled, but some of the hop flavor and aroma may have diminished a little. Let us know how it turned out.
well taste it first. then bottle it if it isn’t gross.
It will probably be fine though. I have left beer for that long without issues.
If the hops have faded too much you could dry hop it for a few days first.
You might need to add some more yeast if you’re naturally carbing.
What type/how much yeast would you think to be necessary to add? Would I have to let it sit for longer?
I’m no expert on it (still a newbie myself, though I’ll probably be claiming that title for a few years yet), but there’s a discussion on it in this thread. Seems like a packet or even part of a packet of rehydrated dry yeast will do ya.
I’m no expert on it (still a newbie myself, though I’ll probably be claiming that title for a few years yet), but there’s a discussion on it in this thread. Seems like a packet or even part of a packet of rehydrated dry yeast will do ya.
Perfect, thanks a bunch.
I had a similar go with my scotch ale. I gave it 4-5 months before bottling. I used about 1/4 packet of us-05 for the whole 5 gallons in with the priming sugar. It carbed really well (too well in fact, but that’s another story) and that was a 8-10% beer. you don’t need much, and it should be fine. I agree with the advice to taste it and see if it needs some more hop aroma. 4-7 days should be fine.
You would be safe with adding up to a half a packet of neutral dry yeast, such as US-05 and S-04 at bottling to ensure a carbonation. Prime as usual otherwise.
Good luck with O-Chem!
Yes, bottle it. It shouldn’t have spoiled, but some of the hop flavor and aroma may have diminished a little. Let us know how it turned out.
Ended up dry hopping with 1 oz of pellets and bottled 4 days later. Drank the first bottle earlier this evening, turned out pretty good, thanks again for the excellent advice, all.
I brewed a beer in thanks giving and didn’t bottle it till the following July. It tasted goods but lost some nip from the hops.