How to remove beer stone in corny keg?

I clean my kegs after every use. This includes the posts, tubes, poppets, etc.

First time I’ve noticed beer stone in 2 of the kegs.

I tried removing the beer stone using 2 tsp PBW in 1/3 keg of hot water. I shook the keg hoping to move around the PBW.

Unfortunately, kegs still have the beer stone at the bottom and on the sides.

Any ideas/recommendations for removing beer stone in corny kegs?

Pretty cheap and easy:

I soak the keg in a half keg solution for a few days, invert the keg and repeat.  Beerstone comes gf easily.

PBW alone rarely works, since it isn’t acidic.

+1 …but you can get it a lot cheaper than Wally World:

If you have star-san sanitizer on hand just mix up a double strength batch and soak them in that. I use this on my SS fermenter bucket too.  Beer stone needs acid to remove.


PBW is a base, so that is why it didn’t  work.

Thanks for the input. I stopped at Ace Hardware this afternoon. Item wasn’t in store. They were not able to order as delivery status was “ETA (blank)”. Person working at Ace Hardware said this indicates “unknown” when available. Also, I would have had to order 4 bottles.

Ended up ordering from Walmart.

Another way to remove it that is cheaper than Star San is to get an acid cleaner that is used for dairy equipment from a farm supply store.  The one near my house that sells and services bulk milk tanks has a product that contains Nitric, Sulfuric, and Phosphoric acids.  I use about 15 ml of the stuff in 5 gallons and soak for about 15-20 minutes.  It cleans up my boil kettle and kegs quite nicely.  If you are sticking with Star San you will need about one ounce per gallon of water (this is what SS Brewtech recommended for their conical fermenters).

Remember though, you have to clean the keg with PBW, Craftmeister, or caustic before doing the acid soak to remove any organic soils.  The acid won’t remove these, only the inorganic beer stone.

Well, that didn’t work! A WARNING TO OTHERS!

I ordered the 4 1 gallon jugs of milkstone remover for $58.00 plus tax from Walmart.

Didn’t seem unreasonable at $14.50 per gallon. Yes, ACE has the better prices at $12.99 a gallon, but I was unable to find.

Then, on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 I receive an email from Magellan Distribution Corp telling me the website is wrong and I will only receive 1 bottle and NOT the 4 bottles for $58.00 that I ordered. THIS IS ILLEGAL and dishonest.

I immediately contact Walmart to let them know, once again, this is illegal and dishonest.

Order canceled, but now I’m looking again to find the milkstone remover.

BTW, I tried BLC in the corny kegs. Didn’t remove the beerstone.

This isn’t sold by Walmart directly, but through their third party marketplace.  I guess they’re trying to compete with Amazon.

Anyone can report incorrect product information on that page.  So I did.

I remember a poster who got a good price on milkstone remover via a farm supply store.

I got mine for $12 at Tractor Supply.

Bier bewusst genießen

Happen to have the Tractor Supply part number or url? I’m not finding when I check online.

I called my local TSC Store. They don’t carry milk stone remover.

I tried looking it up on their website and get no results [emoji2369]. I had to order it and pick it up at the local store. Not sure why they don’t list it anymore.

Realized I have some B-Brite. B-Brite is supposed to clean beerstone. I’m hoping it will work as advertised to clean the beerstone from my corny kegs.

I think Bar Keepers Friend works, and it’s generally available in large grocery stores.

If I was able to reach the bottom of the corny keg I’d give Bar Keeper’s Friend a try. However, hand/arm will not go into keg far enough.

I didn’t have much B-Brite (in the white/orange container) so I ordered some B-Brite from Northern Brewer as I had a 15% off code.

I bought a long handled brush for this very purpose.  It has become my favorite brush to use, even when a long handle is not needed.

The only thing about Barkeepers Friend is that it is a bit abrasive.  I don’t use it in kegs or my fermenters because to the possibility of scratching the stainless steel.