During the summer we put a hummingbird feeder on a bracket by our back windows. Today I was working in the yard on a hillside about 40’ from the house. A hummingbird swooped around my head, and came to a hover right in front of me. After staying there a few seconds, he flew down to the house, right next to the empty bracket. He turned around and looked a me for a few seconds, then flew away. Message received! The feeder is now in place for the summer.
That’s awesome.
Once me an my wife were sitting on the front porch and I seen our cat climb up the walnut tree. This pretty little bright green bird flew out and landed right on my shoulder. My wife was like ‘oh cute, I can’t believe that it just perched right there.’ Then it shat on me and flew away. Message revived ???.
There are another couple of those same birds up there again this year. The tree climbing cat is gone. He got killed by a pit bull.
You are trainable!
Wish I could have a feeder or two but my felines won’t have it. :(
Tried it once…and that was the last.
hummingbirds are awesome, beautiful, swift and terrible. they are among the most pugnacious, belligerant, feisty creatures on the planet. they’d wade right into a bfi fight thread and kick ass.
similar to my dog - when she glances at me and then looks to the top of the beer fridge where her snacks are kept. she even darts her eyes in that direction while still looking at me. Gotta love it when animals look at us and think, “I wonder if this dumbass is smart enough to follow my hint.”
I once found one in the vast high dry mountain desert. It appeared to have
just plain ran out of gas…which I assume must be readily plentiful to fuel the speed
of living that they posess…I kept that mummified remnant just to show for a
while then set it free…true story. :o
Thanks guys. We got’em and I’ll set out some sugar water next few days. Didn’t know they could be aggressive. But it makes sense in a way.
Oh yeah they’re aggressive little buggers. The ladies at my office have feeders all around the building and we have a really nice big garden so it’s prime habitat. They get very territorial with each other, particularly in the spring. Now why would that be? Anyway, it like watching mini-dog fights out there sometimes. I even got buzzed once. I hope I never catch one of those to the ear.
I’ve always thought that hummingbirds live life like the Scalosians in the Star Trek Episode, Wink of an Eye
Very cool story in the OP!
(not to mention Deela exhibits extreme babeage!)
I believe it. We were up at Lake Granby in Colorado. Alpine withtout being to high maybe 7-8k feet
in altitude. Our host has a nice cabin up there. Huge windows.
Wham! They run into it a lot, and it is not just humming birds. Anyhoo, it was a little green iridescent one.
Pretty. Out of breath. We gave it some sugar water and hoped that it was ok. It looked like it was done for.
Then out of nowhere pop. zip! and gone…
We get hummingbirds, it’s pretty cool. I saw a hairy woodpecker on the feeder the other day, that was awesome.
My biggest problem right now is a psychotic robin. It keeps flying in to the windows, attacking its own reflection. The noise is annoying enough, but it smear dirt from it’s feet all over the windows, front of the hose, back of the house, driver’s side windows, passenger side windows, anywhere it can find a reflection. Plus it craps all over wherever it happens to perch (and below) right before it launches it’s next attack - porch railing and deck, car mirrors/doors, you name it. I’ve deployed counter measures - they work a little. I hate that damn bird.
I’m a bird person but .22…
Having spent a lot of time around many types of birds, I can tell you without a doubt that they have no awareness of their own ass holes. Poop flies out whenever - where ever, without conscious effort or thought.
That said, I’ve only seen two hummingbirds in person in my entire life. One was at Mount Vernon. That was an extra special day.
;D Yes!
But no, I can’t do it. It’s just following instinct and should stop as soon as nesting season is over. I think we just have more robins than usual this year so this one is a bit more territorial than normal. It’s never happened before, and it’s our 4th spring in this house.
The quantity of poop is astounding!
Hummingbirds are cool to watch. ;D
We have a pair of robins that decided to build a nest on the back iron of our basketball hoop in the driveway. At first the wife and kids thought they were so cute to have built a nest there. Then even cuter when eggs appeared. Finally, babies hatched, and the cute factor was over the top. Now the babies are learning to fly, and under that basketball hoop is parked my truck. Well, last night I got in my truck to run to the store… Bird crap all over the windshield. >:( More than I thought ever possible from such small creatures. Anybody have a .22 I can borrow?
We get the red-bellied woodpeckers at our suet feeder
I am thoroughly convinced that at least some the same hummingbirds return each year. Why else would the first hummingbirds, in late March, be hovering around the corner of our patio where the feeder was last year?