I feel dumb about asking this yeast question.

So I did a direct pitch on an ale with a vial of WLP001 today. I thought I had shaken the yeast into suspension pretty good but when I dumped it in it came out in kind of a slug.  Should I try to shake up the carboy or am I OK to just let it go. LOL this hasn’t ever happened to me before… :smiley:

sure, that’s what they all say! ;D

it’ll be fine. the yeast know what to do.

Well… there was the one time at band camp. But that was the ONLY time! :smiley:

Don’t sweat it.  No really keep it nice and cool.  The fermenter, I mean!

Best of luck, Brewer.

BTW, there are no dumb questions on this site. Thanks for posting and brew on, swlusk!

+1. Unlike other forums, we don’t try to make somebody feel dumb. We all started somewhere.

Agreed. Its also ok to give answers as you learn. In fact, sharing is a great way to really learn it.

And Jim answers promptly from the middle of the night due to a reverse hour/time zone/lupulin shift situation! So he may give you an answer before the rest of us wake up, so you can correct a slight mistake in the middle of the night!

So true. I swear each of the first 8 posts I read everyday are Jim’s.

Not for long. Day shift coming.

Good for you. I just got moved down by 2 hours. After work brew days are making a come back.

As usual most all advice on this here forum is on the money. Not only did my Cal-ale yeast do OK but it had about a 12 hour lag time. I have a feeling that my first experience with WLP001 will become a long standing obsession. :wink: