i thought we were crazy!

I’m also a member (hehehe…I said member) over at RV.net These dudes are outta control! There’s a thread right now on whether to put to put your water pressure regulator on the city water water faucet, before your hose, or right onto your trailer, after the hose. Dude! Its getting nasty over there! These old farts in motorhomes have some spunk left in them!!

I’ve frequented that forum several years ago when I got my Class A. Seems like a knowledgable bunch there. I haven’t been over there for a while though. Looks like you’re learning the ropes over there. As you’ve discovered there’s more than one way to reduce the water pressure. I use a Walmart regulator with no issues.  :slight_smile:

Yeah, smart bush of guys there. Lotta old farts (no offense Denny  ;D ) that have been rv’ing for 100 years. Lots of knowledge. But talk about no sense of humor! There’s a lot of sticks up a lot of butts there! They take anything RV related super serious. And the money these guys drop on their rigs. 100k or better, easy.

I too use the Walmart regulator. I think the issue remains…before, or after the hose?  I swear if you say before, I’m never speaking to you again!!

Put the damn thing in the middle and let it go!!!

;D ;D ;D

So, you are out on parole … or? I see this affecting the voting possibly.  ???

Could be.  8)

We shall see… :wink:

Wish me luck bro.