I would like to make a gose

I’ve been trying the gose at breweries and pubs when I see an offering and have been acquiring a taste. Anyone care to share their process

Very briefly because the details escape me right now, I kettle sour and add salt at the end of fermentation.  If coriander is part of the style, I add it at the end of fermentation.  There’s plenty of information here and elsewhere about kettle souring.  I’ve been using Goodbelly probiotic pills for lacto plantarum for kettle souring and making sauerkraut.

I’ve made kettle sours with good belly before. So just add salt and it’s a gose?

Think so.

Don’t overdo the salt.  You should just barely be able to perceive any salt.

+1 It should not taste like sea water.

How much per gallon wort?

I’ve had good luck with the Milk The Funk recipe: Gose - Milk The Funk Wiki

I subbed out the Omega OYL-605 for Inland Island L. Brevis (INIS-991 Lactobacillus brevis - Inland Island Yeast — local yeast FTW!)

Recipe uses half an oz of fleur de sel at the end of the boil.

One weird thing to watch out for is the variability of coriander is kind of huge. One place I went to had dull, tiny, vaguely herbal-smelling coriander; then next place I went had some nice, plump, fruity pebbles smelling coriander. You want the latter :slight_smile:

I have some coriander in the garden. I looked at that milk the funk recipe. So a gose doesn’t use any hops?

Gose has hops.  Lacto can live just fine with a low dose of hops.  Aim for just 10-15 IBUs, no more than that.

I often split wort in 2, sour 1 and recombine later so no problem with IBUs.

All depends… kettle souring keeps risk of infecting gear down and is really easy and makes a decent Gose.  I’ve made three this summer all turned out great.  I use half a carton of Mango Goodbelly, adjust PH with lactic acid to 4.5 before pitching the Goodbelly then wrap my kettle with Saran Wrap and try to purge as much oxygen out of the headspace with Co2.  Kept the wort at around 95* and it only took like 16-18 hours to get to 3.5ph.  I did a full boil after just cause I used Pilsner Malt and didn’t want to worry about DMS, might be overkill though.  I’m pretty sure I used .75oz of Salt/5 gallons (which I believe was in the middle of the range).  I added the same amount of Coriander but I used Indian Coriander and threw it in the fermenter after reading a Mad Fermentationist blog post about all the oils in Coriander that are similar to hop Oils and the positive effect biotransformation could have.  Also pitch a lot more yeast cells, yeast struggles at that low of a PH.

All good advice, pretty much my kettle souring process. As far as the gose part when is the salt added. I’m planning a fruit gose so I wasn’t going to use the coriander. On another forum I read that dry hopping helps with head retention in a sour has anyone experience this.

I added it in last 10 minutes of boil but I don’t believe there is any harm in adding it at the end to taste as I’ve seen that done by reputable sources.

If you haven’t checked out the Indian coriander it’s kind of a different animal.  That combined with the yeast bio transformation produced a ton of citrus.  So depending on what fruit you’re adding it might complement it.  I bought a bunch of it at a Indian grocery store for next to nothing.

Interesting about the coriander. Do you think it would be available from a Pakistani market