beginners gose

hey everyone, hope all is well in the far out universe. great here and looking to get better. i bought one of those brewers best gose kits to get my feet wet and I’m hooked. the whole process was fun and i really liked the final product. I’ve been on a gose kick for a bit and really wanna get in to the all grain process now. id also like to try and get some fruit into the process. maybe strawberry or blackberry. so here are my questions.

1.could someone please turn me on to a traditional all grain gose recipe that i can finish off with some fruits?

  1. does the fruit mess with the fermentation process and in turn change my bottle sugar amounts?

  2. why is everything so awesome?

All you need can be found here. Milk The Funk Wiki

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thanks a bunch. thats the ultimate road I’m aiming to head down  i just read palmers book and now I’m into tonsmeires american sour beers. such great stuff.

so i checked out the gose recipe on milk the funk. I’ve acquired everything i need in order to do run the batch except for one thing…OYL-605 by omega.  is there something anyone else could recommend as a replacement? thanks a bunch

A carton of good belly probiotic drink or a couple of the good belly shots. Available at Whole Foods

awesome.  i was reading that earlier and it looked promising.  in regards to the good belly, do you just dump it right on in after chilling the wort? will i need to alter the good belly drink? and should i just get some without flavor? I’m going to try the swansons plantarum on another batch.

That’s all on the wiki. Many like he mango and pour the entire carton in at 100° and then let it cool on its own.

sounds great. thanks a bunch

Kettle souring is so easy. Just get a lactobacillus culture, cool down to 80 and hold that temp for 48-72 hours (a cooler would work well). Monitor the pH until it get’s to the sourness you want, then boil and add your neutral yeast.