iBrewMaster 2 to Brewfather batch converter now available

Just wanted to let people know that I created a converter for batches from iBrewMaster 2 (an iOS app that is no longer available to even install) to Brewfather.  I had about 10 years worth of brewing history in iBrewMaster 2, so it was a bit disconcerting when I lost that moving over to Brewfather.  While I was easily able to export my iBrewMaster 2 recipes to Beer XML format and import those into Brewfather, there was no format directly available to import the batches (which are exported from iBrewMaster 2 in a proprietary JSON format).  So, I created this converter to move my history over.

It is available here: GitHub - eric-upchurch/brewfather-utils.  It requires a Python installation - if there is interest, I can create an executable using PyInstaller, but I just took the simple route for my own purposes to start with…

Please feel free to use it if you find it helpful!
