Ideas needed for recipe similar to Hop Stoopid

I would like to brew a beer similar to Hop Stoopid in flavor, but with an O.G. of around 1.058 to 1.060.

I am pretty sure that Hop Stoopis uses a lot of Simcoe hops and I believe that the Lagunitas house yeast is based on Wyeast 1968 London ESB, beyond these two things I am not sure where to start and I am open to all suggestions.

I am not interested in using hop extract but could be swayed, I guess.  I prefer to use pellets and whole hops.


I finally had Hop Stoopid for the first time last weekend and I would also like to brew up a Clone.  I have no recipe contribution, but in my opinion, it falls along the line with a Pliny the Elder IPA, and an Ale Smith IPA.  I think these three beers are very similar, in mouth feel and overall impression as far as bittering hop feel and finish.

I love the Stoopid and have never made a beer that came close to it-- but then again, I’ve never tried.

I’d do the following and adjust from there:
10 oz of 20L crystal malt
.75 lb of table sugar
enough 2-row to get you to about 1.076
30 HBUs of high AA hops-- A simcoe/magnum combo might be a good call, or maybe go more aggressive with Simcoe/Chinook.  Boil for 60 minutes.
At flameout, add 3-4 oz of American Hops of your choice.
Ferment at 66-68 with Wyeast 1968 for two weeks.
Dry hop for 10 days with 3 oz of Simcoe and Amarillo or Simcoe and Centennial.

See how it comes out and adjust from there.

Here is a recipe that reportedly has information from the Lagunitas brewmaster.

Note the comments from brewing it on the second page. Hop Stoopid uses hop extract for bittering (I’ve heard that the beer is 100% hop extract, making it very difficult to clone from a homebrew point of view).

Some change I would make to the recipe is just use an ounce of Magnum for the bittering. While it may not give you the requisite 102 IBUs, it would probably be closer to Hop Stoopid. The bittering in Hop Stoopid is very smooth due to the use of hop extract.