If you had dry wheat extract what would you do?

I have a bunch (probably 8-10 pounds) of dry wheat extract sitting at my house and I have no idea what to do with it. I have made the switch to all grain brewing and I haven’t worked with extracts in a while. Would I be able to brew some crazy wheat wine? Could I easily make a fruity wheat that would taste alright? I’m looking up some recipes now but this forum is too damn convenient…


Ahhhhh… good idea. Will this leave any wheaty taste in my beer?

Not if you decant before pitching.

Is it an 100% wheat extract or the 60/40 mix?

Use it as an adjunct for a couple Bitters or Pale ales since you have so much. The starter idea sounds good too, but with that quantity I’d prefer to make beer with it not yeast. Just me however…

now that i look back, if i had tha tmuch wheat extract i’d probaby just make a hefe or american wheat with it. that would kill 5 - 6 lbs of the stuff right there. since i switched to all grain i had forgotten how fast extract brewing is until my buddy just recently took up brewing. one of my favorite extract beers ever was just 5 lbs of wheat dme, 1 lb of orange blossom honey, and some liberty hops. was a great lawn mower beer…good summer time beer. your brew session would be an hour and a half with clean up…easy peezy

The last 100% wheat extract I know of was Irek’s and it’s been gone for many years.  Is there another one?

I’m not sure if its completely wheat extract (I bought it along with a car-boy and kettle from my neighbor a while back). I’ll get back to you on the composition.

I’d be really surprised if it’s not 50/50 or 60/40 barley/wheat.

Assuming it is not 100% wheat and really a blend, why not make 5 gal of a weizen? Just need some hops and yeast and you should be good for a short brew day.


But seriously… wheat wine is a wonderful thing to have in the fall. Warms the bones as the summer fades…

ABV - 9-11%
IBU - your preference based on what you enjoy in barleywine - higher for american, lower for english
Hop selection - ditto on above, but I like cascade
Yeast - English Ale, Denny’s (english ale will provide a good malt backbone, esp. if you use Marris Otter)

make a standard, pale ale mash and then pump up the gravity with that wheat during the boil!

Age until October (on french oak if you prefer - but not soaked in spirits, it will cover up the subtleties)

I would probably try out a partial mash recipe for Swedish Gotlandsdrinka.  Charlie Papazian had a pretty high opinion of the stuff in one of his books.

I like this idea the best. I have some frozen extract that I’m going to use for this purpose exactly.