Munich and Wheat

I wanna make a wheat beer but I’m out of Pils. How do you think 50/50 wheat and Weyerman Munich 1 would work?

A malty wheat?  Sounds interesting!


a friend of mine just did something similar. dark wheat. was very malty but good. He had some other issues but after a bit of ageing it turned out really quite nice.

[quote=“2008 BJCP GuidelinesCategory: 15B”]Ingredients: By German law, at least 50% of the grist must be malted wheat, although some versions use up to 70%; the remainder is usually Munich and/or Vienna malt. A traditional decoction mash gives the appropriate body without cloying sweetness. Weizen ale yeasts produce the typical spicy and fruity character, although extreme fermentation temperatures can affect the balance and produce off-flavors. A small amount of noble hops are used only for bitterness.


it’ll be fine… ;D

it’ll be fine… ;D


except that i would make it tolerable by using a different yeast 8)

Could be nice to brew a Lil’ Dunkelweizen with that combination.

it’ll be fine… ;D


Nice call Blatz!

Pretty much a dunkleweizen.

Except I will be using wlp007.

Missed that.  I guess when I see the word “wheat” I just tune out!  :wink:

I thought it was “decoction” that made you tune out :wink:

I really like American Wheat styles.  Guess I’ll give it a go and see what happens.  The other option would be a 100% munich IPA which I’ve done before but I just like wheat and I won’t be able to get to my malt supplier for a while so I don’t have many options.