If you had to choose only 3...

varieties of malt to keep on-hand, in-house.  What would you choose?
I’m thinking…

  1. A favorite continental pilsner malt, either Best Malz or Weyermann Floor Malted BoPils
  2. Crisp Maris Otter
  3. Weyermann light Munich

Possible alternatives for me; Gambrinus Organic Pale Malt, GW Northwest Pale Ale malt
I’m mostly set on the pils and maris otter because those are the ones that are occasionally out of stock at my LHBS.

Those are great options, and I would probably pick something along those same lines.

I’d say:              1. Rahr 2 Row
                          2. Best or Weyermann Pils
                          3. Crisp Maris Otter

If it were 4 I’d choose, light Munich would be 4th.

Assuming we’re talking base malts only, right?

Crisp MO
Weyermann floor-malted Bo Pils or Best Malz Pilsner
Continental light Munich (I haven’t tried a brand comparison yet, since most of the online shops don’t give you an option)

Unless someone out there brews a lot of Vienna lagers or wheat beer, I’m guessing that a whole lot of us will have fairly similar lists. I’ll be interested to hear everyone’s brand preferences, though, since there are still a lot of brands of malt out there that I haven’t tried.

Yeah, I would assume most folks are going to go with base malts. But if someone has a reason to keep 55 lbs. of specialty grain around, let’s hear it. I’m also curious to hear about folks’ preference on base malts and hopefully learn something about the nuances of various maltsters.

  1. Warminster MO
  2. Best Pilsner
  3. Briess 2 row

Keeping i mind that my choices are influenced by a) if there is an organic option and b) trying to minimize the total distance traveled by my ingredients:

  1. GW either CA Select or WA Select (the WA actually travels less than the CA for me because although it’s grown here in CA it is malted up in WA soooo)
    2)Gambrinus pils
    3)Gambrinus 10L Munich

I’ve used the continental stuff and I am not sure I could tell the difference. some people could I’m sure but not so much for me. or maybe I’m just telling myself that because I don’t want to order continental ingredients if I can help it.

but i think with those three I can emulate MO (CA select and Munich) or vienna (Munich and Pils) neither of which are available within a 6000 mile radius of me.

My soon to be list exactly.  Using up the last of my OG Gamb Pale to be replaced by OG GW WA select.

Just need to stop by Seven Bridges in Santa Cruz for 50# while ostensibly visiting family.

Last I checked they did not have any GW select makes at all in stock. Done till the new crop is in

;D ;D

I’d go with:
Warminster floor malted maris otter
Best pils
Weyermann or Best munich

Considering I now have 5 bulk base grains in stock, I’ll have to pick my favorites.

Best Malz Pils
Best Malz Munich I
Crisp Maris Otter

I also keep Castle Belgian Pilsner and Rahr 2 row on hand. I may pick up a sack of TF Golden Promise as well. You know, for variety’s sake.

Best Malz Pils
TF Maris Otter
Colorado Malting Co. Rye Malt (Because I put rye in basically everything these days, and I have been really loving this one. Wyermann Munich would be high up on my list as well.)

Only 3? I’d quit brewing.

Ok, pils pale and Munich. And I’d hide the rest and claim I was making it myself.

I could not keep it to 3.

Me either. Sheesh, I have like twelve kinds of pepper for Pete’s sake. What’s next? You can only have three wives?

Interesting tangent Jim, yep top three, let’s hear 'em.  :wink:
We grew 11 varieties of pepper last year so I’m with you there.
The reason I asked about the grain is that because I’m fortunate to live close to a great LHBS that moves a lot of product and most of my  brews are planned a week or two in advance so it’s not an issue to stop in on the way home and get ingredients. They also added a tasing room so there’s that and we’ve become friends over the years as well. So, I’ve been reluctant to store grain at home when I generally have easy access to exactly what I need on demand. Occasionally though, one of my favorites (typically continental) isn’t available and I have to adjust. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Again just looking to learn about what folks love to use and why.

I mostly store bulk grain because I’m A) Lazy and don’t feel like going to the LHBS and B) Cheap.

Is it in Gresham?

No, Brew Brothers in Hillsboro. Give them a try.  Great family run business.