Bulk Base Malt suggestions

I am out of both Pale Malt and Maris Otter - the two base malts I want to keep on hand.  The last time I purchased 50# bags of each I paid no attention to the malting company.  Since then I have been reading that some of you clearly prefer one malting house over others.

What do you suggest, and if you don’t mind can you tell me why?

For MO I like Crisp, as I can get it.

For NA Pale Malt I have been using Rahr 2-row.

AiH has MaltEurop 2-row for a price that is attractive to me as it is my LHBS - no shipping. Light for a base malt in color, but a friend said it tastes like a cross between other NA 2 row and MO.

what Jeff said.

I get Fawcett MO sometimes - all depends on what Southern has when i am there.

I really like Rahr 2row.  we get Cargill on a group buy sometimes, and it is good, but I’ve never seen it at a LHBS.

Rahr 2 row - I just like it better than Briess. Though I will use Briess on occasion.

Crisp MO - I also can get it easiest, though I like Fawcett as much or better. Both are good.

I like Rahr two-row also, but I usually have a sack of Weyerman Pils and Munich II on hand.
I’m not sure which MO I prefer.  Crisp and Fawcett are both nice.
I had to stop using Briess because my efficiency sucked.  I went through a couple sacks of their Malteurop a few years ago and prefer Weyerman. 
I wish Southern would get Best malts.  I hear good things about them and I’d like to try a pilsner with it.

I also wish my LHBS carried Best Malz.

Malteurop bought the ADM malt operations a few years back. IIRC they are the world largest maltster.

Edit - Briess 6-row is about the only base malt I use from them, but heard at the LHBS that they are not going to be making 6-row malt in the future. It is true.

My standards…

Rahr 2 row pale
Best pils and Munich II

No advice on MO since I don’t care for it for the beers I brew

Rahr 2-Row and Pale Ale  I like to split my base and use the Pale Ale to get some color without using lighter crystal malt.  I wish I could get Great Western here.  I hear good things about it.

I like Best Pils the Best, but nothing wrong with Weyermann Bo Pils.  I tend to like mixing base malts.  I do try to buy mostly domestic malts.  When I do buy pils malt, I also buy Rahr Premium Pils and blend them.

Not into buying MO malt really.  My favorite of that style would be Golden Promise.

+1 to this. Great Western’s Northwest Pale Ale malt is great, as is their standard 2-row. I wish I could still get it. Otherwise, Best Pils, and Thomas Fawcett’s Golden Promise, or MO for me.

My LHBS has sacks of Canada Malting 2-row, which I’ve liked a lot.  And another vote for Fawcett Maris Otter, but I can’t get Crisp locally.

My LHBS carries it and I really liked the German pilsner I used it in.
Best pilsner malt to O G 1.049 (F G 1.007)
mittelfruh hops to 35 IBUs
S-34/70 fermented at 50f

My go tos are Crisp pale and Weyermann pilsner. I think the Crisp works all around (even in American ales) as opposed to the MO which may be too bready. However, if I want bready, I’ll use the crisp and a small percentage of Munich.


I too am not a fan of Maris Otter.  I prefer Pearl over Maris Otter.  Pearl has a milder flavor than Maris Otter without being bland like domestic 2-row.

I’ve used both Hugh Baird and Thomas Fawcett MO and prefer TF.  For 2-row I use Canada Malting and have good results with that.

I get these through a local brewery which is cheaper than the LBHS.