Yes…Things between me and holly have gotten REALLY bad. i opened the fridge Saturday morning, to get some bacon to go with my scrambled eggs, and what do I find…turkey bacon!! That’s is!!! i’m walking!!! ;D
Actually, Turkey Bacon has about the same amount of fat but 2X the sodium! All you have to do is look at the Nutrition facts to see I’m true. Eat real bacon and do it in moderation. Real bacon is not the health demon do many people make it out to be.
Turkey bacon just sounds so wrong…so, well, artificial…I mean, if its cured and smoked turkey strips, fine, but bacon it is not. The same way I don’t want mock turkey legs made out of pork.
On second thought, those might be pretty dang tasty! Turkey made out of bacon! Its a thanksgiving MIRACLE!
Back bacon (sometimes known as canadian bacon), which you can make yourself fairly easily, is a great lower fat alternative, but anything that is “bacon” is cured, and anything cured is high in sodium at some level. Can’t cure without salt!
Last Thanksgiving, my mom made a turkey wrapped in bacon. It was the best turkey I’ve ever had. And the bonus was we got to eat bacon as a side dish. I’m not sure what I ate more of, the turkey, or the bacon.