imperial porter suggestions

I am going for a high gravity porter to warm me up in the winter. What do you all think of this recipe:

OG: 1.111
FG: 1.025
ABV: 12%
IBU: 35

Weyermen Munich II - 4 lbs
American Briess Toasted Barley (Victory) - .5 lb
Weyrmann Rauch (smoked malt) - .25 lb
Amber LME - 8 lb
DME - 1 lb (for the starter)
Corn Sugar - 2 lb

Magnum .5 oz all of boil (60 min)
Mount Hood 1 oz 30 min from end
Magnum .5 oz 30 min from end

Yeast: Abbey IV Ale Yeast (not sure about this)

What do you all think?

Looks pretty good to me…but why waste the money on corn sugar???   Table sugar or some brown sugar  will work just as well (maybe even better)  and will save some $$$ besides.

Oh really? I have used table sugar to prime for bottling before but for some reason never tried it with the actual recipe. I will give that a shot in this one; you are right, much cheaper way to go.

If your doing a mash corn starch can be converted to corn sugar. Corn sugar is fermented differently than table sugar.

I would use an American Ale yeast (SA 05, Wyeast 1056) or an English Ale yeast.  I think it would allow the flavor of the grains to shine through better.  On the other hand, the belgian yeast might add a different flavor that is not typical of porters. :-\