I was brewing with a chest crud and somehow let my starters of WY3724 (started the night before) get up to one at 97F, the other at 101F, by leaving the temp controller probe outside of the fridge for an hour or two before pitching. doh!
Anyway, pitch temp in each of 2 buckets including starter + one additional activator packet (59% viability) into 1.055 SG wort, was at 92F. I held it via 2-stage temp controller and thermowell to 91F for a day and then dropped it to 90F, and as expected both fermenters stalled at 1.032, as recorded on day 5 of the ferment.
FWIW, it was Mosher’s Saison Buffoon recipe, mashed at 149F for 90 minutes, and 10% piloncillo sugar added at the beginning of the boil.
One day later I totally lucked out and from my LHBS got two cans of 4-days-since-canned Rustic Saison and pitched them pretty cold (1 per 5.5 gal bucket), per their pitching directions, and since then have maintained the 90F ferment beer temp.
3 days later beer was at 1.016, and 2 days after that, which is today, the beer is at 1.007, and I gently stirred both fermenters for good luck and to hurry it along at the high temp on day 11 of the ferment.
The co-ferment is nice although the Rustic dominates. The hydro sample today is still quite clean flavor, and the main impression now is that juicy fruity flavor, plus some background flavor from limited additions of orange peel, coriander and grains of paradise added last 5 minutes of the boil. Based on reading this thread I expect the beer will finish at around 1.004 in 2 or 3 more days, and probably no more than 4 days from now I’m expecting to cold crash a day or 2 and then keg and carbonate in the kegerator, and let it condition for at least 3 weeks. Do you think that after it’s carbed in the kegerator that it would be better to condition in the wine cellar at 57F, or in the kegerator at 34F? Or would that matter? I expect that flavors would complex and come together more quickly at the higher temp when conditioning.
I’m used to getting some bubblegum from the 3724, but don’t get that any more after the co-ferment yeast addition.
I wish I had not gotten distracted with the temp controller probe on brew day, but I sure hope that at this temp it will still yield a clean enough flavored beer. So far I’m satisfied that I’ll enjoy the final beer.