In case you wonder what happened to me

Hi guys,

Sorry I disappeared so quickly from the boards. Work has been rather hectic and it was and still is, difficult for me to find time to spend as much time on the boards as I used to. Even work on more brewing articles has come to a grinding halt.
But I’m still brewing on occasions. Sometimes even w/o taking any pH measurements :). I didn’t think it would ever come to that. But hopefully I’ll find more time for the brewing work in the future.

I saw that my Kraeusen article got published and I’ll open a thread on that in the Zymurgy section of the board, if that hasn’t been done yet.

Oh, and we also adopted a dog (Weimaraner/Chocolate Lab mix I think) which is keeping me busy.


Welcome back Kai!

good to see you around Kai

You mean work has taken precedence over brewing???  Where are your priorities, man?  :wink:

Good to hear from you, Kai.  Hope you’re finding time for the family.  And that’s a beautiful pup!

Will always look forward to your posts/articles when ever you can get to them!!! Cute pup!!! You’ll have to teach him to fetch the spoon or hydrometer, or ? :wink:

Kai, sometimes you got to do what you got to do at work.  Projects, reviews and production deadlines were always a time of going balls out (an engineering reference that goes back to the days of the flyball governer).  I don’t miss it.

Get over the work crunch, keep the family first in your mind, train the puppy, and make some beer.  Stop back in and say hello when time allows.

Welcome to the forum. Be sure to make a yeast starter and watch those fermentation temps and you will make good beer.

I was hoping you were going to stay away another month or so until I caught you in the all important post count  ;D :wink:

good to see you back and glad to hear you adopted a dog.

I’m thinking I might open that doppel in a few weeks!


Kai, That is a fine looking dog. Welcome back.

Is the dogs name, Decoction?

I was just wondering the other day where you’ve been at.  Glad to hear you’re keeping busy  :wink:

I feel ya.  Work has been really chaotic for me lately and while I’ve been posting on this forum, I haven’t been doing a lot of brewing. :-[

Glad to hear from you and hope your schedule allows you some brewing/forum time in the near future!

Good to hear from you Kai. Work is overrated IMO.



Caramel 40L?

I though you ran off into the woods and started brewing Lambics or something.

Taking a break can be good… you don’t want brewing to become work.  When your job eases up, you’ll be excited to get that pH meter out again !

Good to hear you’re alive, sir. And congrats on the new kid!

Dude, that oughta go in your sig!


You mean Ges*HUND*heit!